Marijuana Detox Kits That Work
The following THC detox kits are proven to work by thousands of customers. These kits are completely legal and safe for health.
Choose the type of kit you need and check the reviews.

- Works in 60 minutes
- You can keep smoking
- Legal
- Safe for the Health
- For any body type and usage frequency
- Money-back guarantee

- 7 days detox program
- Permanent results
- Natural detox
- Legal
- Safe for the health
Types of Weed Detox Kits
There are two types of THC detox kits available: same day and permanent.
Same Day Kits
Same day detox kits are best for people who want to pass a drug test but simply don’t have enough time to naturally detox or don’t want to stop using marijuana.
You obviously won’t remain THC-free permanently after using same day kits; however, they will provide a window of several hours to pass your drug test.
And another thing: these kits are only suitable for a urine drug testing.
How Do They Work
The same day kits don’t detox; i.e. they don’t remove THC metabolites completely from your body.
They simply help to temporarily flush these metabolites from your bladder, so that their concentration in the urine drops below detectable test levels.
What These Kits Must Contain
For a same-day THC detox kit to work effectively, it must have:
- A diuretic – this will make you urinate frequently and help flush large amounts of metabolites from the bladder. Hence you must drink quite a lot of water when using these kits.
- Ingredients that temporarily block the burning of fat – this will stop the release of THC from fat cells into the blood.
- Creatine – this is required to restore creatinine levels in the urine to a normal level. Drinking a lot of water lowers creatinine levels in the urine, and the lab might reject your sample and suspect foul play.
- Vitamins and minerals – these are required to restore the specific gravity of urine, which also becomes doubtful due to increased water intake.
- Elements to restore urine’s color – drinking a lot of water will make your urine look pale; that’s suspicious for the lab and they might reject your sample as being ‘diluted’.
Permanent Detox Kits
Permanent Marijuana Detox Kits are for people who actually want to quit smoking marijuana and want to cleanse their system permanently. The main function of these kits is to significantly improve the natural detoxification processes of our body.
Unlike the same-day kits, permanent kits will help you become clean forever – unless you start smoking marijuana again!
How Do They Work
These kits improve liver function which helps remove THC from the blood more efficiently. They also speed up metabolism and the burning of fat in our body, so that more THC from adipose tissues is excreted from our system.
When using these kits, you must follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen to help your body improve its fat burning processes.
What These Kits Must Contain
An effective permanent detox kit must contain:
- Diuretics to speed up the excretion of metabolites through urine.
- Ingredients that help boost liver function, enhance metabolism and help remove THC metabolites completely from the body.
- A blend of herbs and chemicals to speed up the detoxification process.
- Fiber to prevent reabsorption of THC metabolites from the intestines into the blood.
Best THC Detox Kits
Fast Marijuana Detox Kit – Best Same Day Detox Kit
This detox kit is meant to be used on the day of your urine drug test. It’s recommended that you begin your detox procedure 2 hours before the test.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Drink about 20ounces of water at least 2 hours before the test.
- Wait for 20 minutes, and then consume the entire bottle of QCarbo Plus along with all 5 Super Boost Tabs.
- Refill the QCarbo Plus bottle with water, wait for 20 more minutes, and drink the whole bottle.
- Urinate two times, and then use the included self-test kit. If the results are negative, you’re good to go and should submit your test sample as soon as possible. However, if your results are still positive, proceed to the next step.
- Chew the tablet with 32ounces of water. Wait for an hour, urinate several times, and submit your urine sample.
Here are some additional tips for success:
- Do not consume large meals before using the fast marijuana detox kit.
- Urinate as much as possible; this is essential for the cleansing process.
- Consume plenty of water in the days prior to your emergency flush.
- Avoid consuming any drugs for at least 48 hours before you intend to be clean.
- Remember: the results are temporary and last for up to 5 hours, so manage your time accordingly.
Green Fleets Premium 7 Day THC Detox Kit – Best Permanent Detox Kit
For permanently cleansing your system from marijuana, here’s how to use this kit:
- Take 2 QPretox capsules with several glasses of water, two times a day
- Take one tablespoon of Stinger Detox drink in the morning and one tablespoon at night before meals.
- Mix with water or juice if you prefer.
- Avoid dairy products such as milk and cheese thirty minutes before use.
- For best results, avoid all exposure to toxins during the detox week.
- You will be PERMANENTLY detoxified unless you are re-exposed. To be used as a dietary supplement only.
- Refrigerate after opening.
Important Hints:
- Ensure that you drink a minimum of 96 ounces each day.
- Water is a natural cleanser and assists the body in relieving unwanted toxins.
- It is essential that you do not take any additional vitamins or supplements during your cleanse.
Zydot Ultra Clean – Best Hair Detox Kit
As I mentioned earlier that THC metabolites are also stored in hair, and even though these drug metabolites don’t go into the blood and affect your health, you’ll still need to remove them to pass a hair drug test.
So here’s a kit that’s ideal for removing drug metabolites specifically from hair.
How does it Work
It includes a shampoo, purifier, and conditioner.
- Shampoo: Removes external barriers to expose the inner hair
- Purifier: Penetrates deep within the hair shaft to dissolve and remove impurities
- Conditioner: controls tangles, adds shine, and improves manageability
How to Use
- Stop using any sort of drugs as soon as you find out you’ll need to take a hair drug test.
- Soak your hair thoroughly with water. Use half of the shampoo.
- Massage thoroughly into the roots for at least ten minutes, then rinse.
- Use all the purifier and make sure to get enough of it on the scalp as well.
- Comb your hair with the purifier. Let it sit for about ten minutes before washing it out.
- Now use the rest of the shampoo, massage thoroughly, and rinse it out.
- Apply the conditioner and leave it in for 3 minutes. Rinse out, and you’re done.
For effective results, do this at least four times before your hair drug test.
VIEW DETAILSTotal Critical Cleaning Package – Universal THC Detox Kit
This kit combines the Permanent 15 Day Detox Solution and Same Day Emergency solutions in case you need to pass a urine, hair, or saliva drug test. Here’s what it contains:
- 1 Perma Clean (Blood Drug Test): This is a 15-day dietary supplement formulated to help remove drug metabolites from the blood by boosting liver function.
- 1 Super Quick Caps (Urine Drug Test): This is a fast-acting THC detox solution that significantly boosts urinalysis results for a limited time period.
- 1 Ultra Wash (Saliva Drug Test): This is a quick-acting saliva mask that works for about 15 to 30 minutes after use.
- 2 Zydot Ultra Clean (Hair Drug Test): As mentioned previously, this shampoo is designed to strip chemical residues from hair. Individuals with long hair or heavy drug usage history will require at least two packs for effective results. Make sure to use it on the day of your test.
- 1 Five Panel Home Test Kit (Self-Test): This is a multi-parameter test kit that screens urine for amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, opiates, and THC, according to the standard drug screening levels.
How to Detox and Pass a Drug Test Naturally
If you don’t want to use a kit and want to let nature take its course, remember that detoxing naturally takes time. This is because you’ll have to speed up the body’s fat-burning process, and this requires effort.
Just a tip: if you are slim or have an overall fast metabolism, you’ll detox faster.
Obviously, the best way to help your body remain THC free is to abstain from using drugs. But if you just can’t help it and want to follow the natural route, here are some tips that can help:
Follow a Healthy Diet Plan | This includes avoiding fast foods and sugar that contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, and coloring agents. |
Consume More Fiber | Eat more of green vegetables and fruits to enhance the amount of fiber in your diet which helps bind and remove metabolites from the body. |
Drink More Water | This will help flush out more toxins from your system; drink approximately 8-10 glass or 2 liters every day. |
Drink More Tea | Tea, green tea, in particular, contains antioxidants that help remove and neutralize toxins from your system. |
Exercise | This helps burn excessive fats and releases more THC for excretion. |
Take Activated Charcoal | This helps break the enterohepatic circulation so that fewer THC metabolites are reabsorbed into the blood from the intestines. |
Take Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) | Consuming 30ml of ACV every day is known to help burn more body fat. |
Take Cranberry Pills | They help reduce body fat since they contain no sugars and are a great substitute for sugary drinks. |
Reduce Stress | Improves and promotes the body’s natural cleansing and detox process. |
How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System and Is Detectable By a Drug Test
Apart from knowing how to use detox kits and how to boost the body’s natural processes, you must also know for how long THC can be detectable in your hair, urine, blood, and saliva.
Type of Test |
Detectable Period |
Urine | 3-4 days since last use; for most sensitive test maximum time is 7-21 days |
Hair | approximately 90 days after drug use |
Saliva | 72 hours after drug use |
Blood | 12-24 hours for light; up to 7 days for very heavy users |
Are There Any Side-effects of THC Detox
Sadly, yes. When drugs leave your body, it creates a profound impact on your brain’s chemistry.
Drugs exert their effect by altering the chemical make-up of the brain, and when the brain is deprived of them, it is left in a state of unbalance. This can lead to various physical and psychological symptoms, such as:
- fatigue
- stomach cramps
- muscle cramps
- sweating
- headaches
- constipation
- severe depression
- anxiety
- suicidal ideation
But the good news is that the physical symptoms mostly subside within a few days of the detox process, and with patience and medical assistance, the mental symptoms can be dealt with as well.
So there you have it; a detailed guide to THC detox. I’m sure the next time you have a scheduled drug test of any kind, you’ll know what to do to pass a drug test!