Alachua County “Green Fleet” Fleet Management Policy



In meeting operational needs, County staff must consider energy consumption, emissions, and waste generation as part of their decision making process in the management of fleet assets. Saving fuel means saving money. Judicious maintenance and recycling resources add value by extending fleet life and reducing adverse environmental effects.

Policy Objective

To ensure that Alachua County’s fleet assets are selected, acquired, and utilized in a manner that provides for the best possible support of County operations through environmentally responsible Fleet Management.

County Staff Actions

A. Planning

— Carefully assess needs to minimize fleet size.

— Carefully plan vehicle and equipment use to maximize efficiency and minimize mileage driven.

B. Acquisition

— Purchase fleet vehicles and equipment of appropriate size according to assessed needs.

— When specifying vehicles and equipment, consider fuel efficiency and cost effectiveness.

— Reduce harmful emissions through fleet vehicles and equipment down-sizing, and use alternative fuel whenever cost effective and operationally feasible.

— Purchase ecological products such as coolants and re-refined oils where available and cost effective.

Purchase retreaded tires for large wheeled or slow-moving vehicles.

C. Maintenance and Operations

— Perform preventative maintenance regularly and on time to ensure optimal vehicle and equipment operations.

— Recycle engine fluids, antifreeze, batteries, and tires.

— Monitor fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance records regularly to ensure optimal vehicle operation.

— Inspect vehicles weekly and prior to extended use to ensure correct tire pressure, oil and coolant levels, and to identify possible signs of other fluid leaks.

— Re-enforce vehicle and operator awareness to:

— Reduce idling time.

— Adopt conservative driving habits such as gradual acceleration and strict adherence to speed limits.

D. Disposal

— Dispose of hazardous materials such as waste oil, lubricants, antifreeze, and batteries safely through environmentally responsible practices.