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Stinger Detox Mouthwash

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Stinger Detox Mouthwash

Price: $30.99
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  • Removes alcohol, nicotine, marijuana (THC), cocaine (COC), amphetamines, methamphetamines, opiates, etc.
  • Works in 2 minutes
  • The effects last for 30 minutes.
  • Alcohol-free
  • FDA registered & USA made
  • Legal
  • Not detectable
  • Small and discreet


Even a small toxin intake can cause positive results on a saliva swab test. Do not risk it! The Detoxifying Mouthwash by Stinger will destroy any toxins in the saliva insuring you provide a clean sample to pass your swab drug test.

The most common toxins as alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, opiates, etc. can be detected on a saliva swab test. The Detoxifying Mouthwash will guarantee that you successfully pass the test!


Minutes before the test, take the Detoxifying Mouthwash little by little and swish in mouth for at least one full minute altogether.

You can either swallow or spit the product out. Alcohol-free formula won’t burn or dry your mouth.

After you finish with the entire bottle, make sure not to brush your teeth, eat or drink anything.

Go for your test immediately. The product will be most effective in the next 30 minutes.

Important Information

Do not eat or drink after you used this product.

Shelf life: 2 years

Chet Pim - Verified buyer

Worked just as expected!

Reggie Stoia - Verified buyer

Stopped smokin for 2 days and when the dt came around the mouthwash helped me pass with no problems. The only thing is that the mouthwash tastes phunky so have fun

George - Verified buyer

This review is REAL spread carefully for what I'm about to say. If your expecting a drug test soon PREPARE AHEAD OF TIME. I'm not sure of it was the mouthwash alone but I did help after getting the test kit to make sure. I used to be a heavy smoker and recently got caught up with legal trouble getting tested regularly. So I bought this product b3cause I knew a test was coming up soon. I smoked at least 5-6 blunts a day a week leading up to the test (which I did on my own with the kit to make sure) I stopped smoking Saturday but through that week I was brushing my teeth, floss and regular mouthwash at least 2 times a day. The key is to stop smoking for a few days prior to the test and use hydrogen peroxide. I believe it was that helped. On the night before I took the test I washed with the Stinger product for 3 mins. I went to bed woke up and at 7am I tested myself(just to make sure) heart was racing since I knew I smoked so much the week before and to my surprise I WAS GOOD! negative for everything. So timing is key make sure you have a lot of clean time on your hands and it definitely will help!

Ward Meller - Verified buyer

Loved it and it worked!

Vincent Zayicek - Verified buyer

A small bottle for the price but when used and rested right after it registered everything negative. I spent 2 min slushing in mouth and tested RIGhT AFTER.

Grady Petrosky - Verified buyer

Great product! I had a mouth swab test and I had just quit about 10 days before. I used this right before and it I passed my test!

Michale - Verified buyer

It worked better than I thought it would because of the negative reviews that it has received. I had to test just an hour after I used. And I'm a heavy daily user. You just have to use it as directed within the time frames between the usages.

Israel Schopper - Verified buyer

I had gone about 5 days with out smoking before hand and I passed my test fine. I used the mouthwash right before the interview, it has a pretty bad taste but like i said it totally worked.

Mitchell - Verified buyer

2 of us used worked with no issues

Gregory - Verified buyer

Worked at Costco

Horace - Verified buyer

It tastes horrible but it did exactly what we hoped it would.

Christian - Verified buyer

Product does work. My test was on a Fri. I found out about the swab test on Wed. I smoked that night and abstained from it till my test. The day of the test I followed the directions to the tee. The lady there had trouble finding me in the system. Finally she started the test 30 min after I had used the mouthwash. After it was all said and done I had passed. Remember that saliva test are for "recent" use. If you just abstain a bit and have back up like Ultra Kleen, you will be just fine!

Jimmie Rosewell - Verified buyer


Houston - Verified buyer

Follow directions. A couple days to prepare with extreme thorough oral hygiene is necessary. But 100% works. Monitor the expiration date. If you keep them on hand for emergencies.

Kerry - Verified buyer

Worked for my friend She got the job

Jeff - Verified buyer

IT WORKS, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT....NONE!!! I was admittedly skeptical, but after successfully passing my screen I will DEFINITELY buy this product again. I used it 20 mins before I took my screen and honestly didn't know if it would work or not. I drank lots of water the two days leading up to it though. Other than that I did everything as I normally do...if you know what I mean!

Wally - Verified buyer

I have been on probation for about 4 1/5 to 5 months and every time I use this product, all my tests come back negative!! Make sure you do your general dental hygiene and mix some hydrogen peroxide with the mouthwash. Use accordingly. I make sure not to smoke the night before. (Usually stop before 9pm) I would swish this thing in my mouth right before I walk into the building. I have passed every single test.

Kieth Schnader - Verified buyer

I passed!

Daniel - Verified buyer

I stopped smoking about 7 days prior to using this product. I followed the directions and swished it around my mouth for about 2-3 minutes and repeated until the bottle was gone (just to be safe). Took the swab test Monday the manager called me Wednesday telling me my test came back negative and I got the job!!!! So this stuff really works I'm going to order another bottle for my friend who has a swab test in a couple of days. Great product can't believe it actually worked!

Carol - Verified buyer

I swear by this product...

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