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Saliva 6 Drug Test Kit (AMP/mAMP/COC/OPI/THC/PCP)

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Saliva 6 Drug Test Kit (AMP/mAMP/COC/OPI/THC/PCP)

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Price: $29.99
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Saliva Multi Drug Test 6 tests for AMP, mAMP, COC, OPI, THC, PCP. Detection in saliva tests begins immediately upon use:

  • Amphetamine (AMP): for up to 72 hours after use
  • Methamphetamine (mAMP) and Ecstasy (MDMA, “Crank,” “Ice”): From the time of ingestion for 48 to 72 hours
  • Cocaine (including crack)(COC): From the time of ingestion for 48 to 72 hours
  • Opiates(OPI): From the time of ingestion for 48 to 72 hours
  • Marijuana and Hashish (THC): 1 hour after ingestion, for up to 24 hours
  • Phencyclidine (PCP): from 24 hours up to the week

The test is based upon the new immunoassay technology for assuring the best accuracy. This means that you get the results in 10-15 minutes in the privacy of your home. Each test kit is packaged individually in a sterile bag.

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