City of Sacramento/County of Sacramento Heavy-Duty Low-Emission Vehicle (LEV) Acquisition Policy

Policy Goal


The City and County of Sacramento are committed to doing our fair share to implement the region’s air quality plan by reducing oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions from our heavy-duty fleet to meet the year 2005 standard for ozone in the Sacramento Federal Ozone Non-attainment Area.

Foundational Statement

We recognize that the region has an air quality problem which is related to vehicle operations, especially the operation of heavy-duty vehicles;

We recognize that public agencies in Sacramento County operate large vehicle fleets which have significant numbers of heavy-duty vehicles.

We recognize that public agencies have a significant role to play in improving air quality by reducing the emissions from their fleet operations, especially their heavy-duty vehicles.


Commit to being a community leader by:

* Showing how fleets can aggressively incorporate low-emission vehicles into fleet operations;

* Showing how fleets can overcome training, facility and operational issues with resolve and commitment.

Our efforts will focus on the conversion of the on-road, heavy-duty equipment fleets to certified low-emission vehicles as these vehicles are replaced as part of our regular systematic replacement programs.

We are committed to the following replacement schedule for our heavy duty vehicles with certified low-emission heavy-duty vehicles:

* A minimum of 20% of all replacements in 2001 will be certified low-emission.

* A minimum of 30% of all replacements in 2002 will be certified low-emission.

* A minimum of 40% of all replacements in 2003 will be certified low-emission.

* A minimum of 50% of all replacements in 2004 and there after will be certified low-emission.

We will pursue grant and other sources of funding for the provision of alternative fuel facilities.

We will pursue grant and other findings sources, excluding general purpose regional transportation funds, in order to fund any incremental increased costs of the low-emission heavy-duty vehicle conversion program.

We will continue to analyze other emission reduction strategies on an ongoing basis.

We will continue to consult with the Air District about all types of ways to reduce emissions from on-road and off-road vehicles as well as passenger cars and light duty trucks.

Performance And Cost As Issues

We recognize that both performance and cost are issues and that accommodations will be required to make low-emission vehicles work.

We affirm that these issues will be addressed and managed and not used as roadblocks to the introduction of low-emission vehicles into the fleet.

We recognize that implementation of these policies may result in a need to increase user fees and/or service charges for the operations served by the low-emission vehicles which are incorporated in the fleets.


The maximum air quality benefit for dollars invested will be through the introduction of heavy-duty low-emission vehicles.  While this should not be the exclusive focus, it should be the primary focus.

Monitoring  and Reporting

The heavy-duty replacement schedule outlined above will be monitored by staff and periodic progress reports will be presented to the Board of Supervisors and the City Council. These reports will also include a discussion of emerging low emission vehicle issues.

The Air District will quantify and use these emissions benefits towards meeting the region’s attainment plan.