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Fast Marijuana Detox Kit

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Fast Marijuana Detox Kit

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Price: $59.99 $79.99
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Effective and guaranteed way to pass a drug test in 60 minutes without risk!

Same-Day Cleanse Solution – perfect for those who need to pass a drug test on short notice.

Legal – using this kit is completely legal and not considered cheating on a drug test.

Not detectable – lab tests won’t be able to detect that you’ve used our solution.

No need to quit! Whether you don’t want to stop using marijuana or simply don’t have enough time to detox, this kit has got you covered!

Money-back guarantee – if you’re not satisfied, our product comes with a manufacturer’s money-back guarantee.

We are also providing our in-depth Healthy Detox Guide, a $60 value, at no additional cost to you.

Included in this extensive 21-page guide, you’ll find:

  • Detailed explanations regarding how your body metabolizes marijuana.
  • Effective, step-by-step detoxification strategies.
  • Recommended daily meal plans that aid in natural detoxification.
  • Exercise recommendations to help expedite the detox process.
  • A selection of foods known to enhance detoxification.
  • Information on natural supplements that can support your detox efforts.
  • Guidance on foods to avoid while detoxifying.

How Fast Marijuana Detox Kit Works

Our kit works its magic through several steps:

  1. Temporarily blocks the breakdown of body fat, preventing THC from being released from the blood into the urine.
  2. Slows the metabolism of THC in the liver, stopping it from entering the urine from the blood.
  3. Flushes THC and other drug metabolites from the bladder, ensuring the concentration of drug metabolites in your urine remains below detectable levels.
  4. Restores urine color, creatinine levels, and specific gravity, so your urine won’t be rejected as “diluted” during the validity test.

Product Description

“Extra Strong” kit is best for people using marijuana more than once per week or weighing 200lbs and more.

The “Regular” version of this kit is best for occasional users or people weighing less than 200lbs.

What’s Included In Your Kit:

  • 20oz bottle of QCarbo + 5 Super Boost Energy Detox Tablets in “Extra Stong” kit.
  • Bottle of QCarbo16 in “Regular” kit.
  • 2 Test Pass chewable detox tablets
  • Medical-grade test strip
  • Healthy detox guide(Digital PDF).
  • Detailed step-by-step instructions.
  • Money-back guarantee.


Juniper Berry Extract, Creatine Monohydrate, Gentian Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Wheat Grass, Vitamin B2, Barley Grass, Echinacea Purpurea Herb Extract, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Cayenne Pepper, Guarana Seed Extract, Dandelion Leaf, Turmeric Root, Ligustrum Berry, Barberry Root, Licorice Root, Cornsilk, Uva Ursi Leaf


This product kit is designed for use on the day you need to be toxin-free. Begin your detox process 2 hours prior to test time.

  1. Two hours before the test, drink 20 ounces of water.
  2. After waiting 20 minutes, consume the entire bottle of QCarbo.
  3. Refill the empty QCarbo Plus bottle with water, wait another 20 minutes, and drink it.
  4. Urinate twice and use the provided self-test kit. If the results meet your expectations, submit your test sample as soon as possible. If the results are unsatisfactory, move on to step 5.
  5. Take the Test Pass Chewable Detox Tablet with 32 ounces of water. Wait an additional hour, and make sure to urinate several times before heading to your test.

Essential Tips for Success

  • Refrain from eating large meals before using the product.
  • Urinate frequently, as this is a crucial part of the cleansing process.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking ample water in the days leading up to your emergency flush.
  • Avoid all unwanted toxins for at least 48 hours before the desired clean time (the longer, the better!).
  • Keep in mind that the results are temporary and last up to 5 hours, so plan accordingly.

Warning: Consult your physician before using this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Questions & Answers

Where Can I Buy The Fast Marijuana Detox Kit?

You can buy this kit in our store only. Other stores are just affiliates and we cannot guarantee that they are legit

How Do You Know If The Detox Worked?

Every kit comes with a test strip to help you keep track of your progress.

Can A Lab Detect It?

The products in this kit are made from the finest natural ingredients and cannot be detected.

Will It Permanently Clean My System?

Despite some product claims, there’s no way to permanently clean THC metabolites from your system in 2-5 days.

Results are temporary, lasting up to 5 hours. Manage your time accordingly. If you need to permanently clean your system, use the Premium 7-day detox kit.

How Long Would It Take To Work?

Starts working in 60 Minutes and is effective for up to 5 hours.

Is It Safe?

This kit is completely safe for your health, but don’t use this product if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have kidney or gallbladder disorder or disease. Or if you are allergic to one of the ingredients.

Is Fast Marijuana Detox Kit Legal?


How Long Would It Take To Arrive At My House?

We have the option for overnight shipping with Saturday delivery. Check our shipping terms.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Possible side effects: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea or cramping.

Work on weed - Verified buyer

So I ve never done one of these before but I had to say something about this detox kit. I was sober for 30 days for a new job so I thought I was in the clear for my first drug test; I wasn't but thank god there was a second test. I am an everyday smoker so I was panicking; I found this stuff online and followed it line for line. 72hrs of soberity and the kit I was cleared, this stuff works. It saved my ass and now I'm working for a great company.

CAB - Verified buyer

After 2 1/2 weeks of abstaining, changing my diet, my lifestyle, and doing 4 different detox kits I had lost hope. I found this kit online. The reviews were fantastic, so I overnighted it to my house and I PASSED! Never would have believed it but I worked. Next time I will go directly to this detox kit.

NickkiTee - Verified buyer

Holy SH*T this SH*T WORKED!!! I was extremely sceptical at first and was fully prepared to get a refund should I get the confirmation that the test was positive. BUT NO! I just got the all clear to start!!! To be honest, I am a Heavy HEAVY weed smoker since 08, and have rarely stopped over the years. I stopped for 48 Hours and did everything the directions told you to do, and it WORKED!!!. Fair warning, the chew tablets taste TERRIBLE, just awful. I took the first and nearly puked, then realized i had 2 more to go :(. However the liquid tasted pretty good, i liked it. And another fair warning: Don't be discouraged with the self test coming up as positive, I took that one and 2 others after it, All came up positive, but the real test i was going in for came up negative. Just follow ALL directions and manage your time wisely.

Ashley Shepard - Verified buyer

i promise promise promise this is not a scam.!!!! ok so i reapplied for a job that i used to work for and they surprised my ass with a drug test. well i started panicking like everyone else that smokes every day 3x a day lol i weigh 104 and I'm 5'6 (underweight for my height) so i researched and researched and read the reviews for this product and was like what do i have to lose. i rush ordered and ended up paying like 82$ and it came in the time it said t would now i just had to weight until testing day so testing day.... i start the process around 8:45am and follow the directions as followed. i take the at home test and it read POSITIVE...so again i begin to panic because my drug test was in a few hours...so i rush to walmart and buy 2 more at home tests, a 1 panel, and a 4 panel....they BOTH READ POSITIVE. at this point i was distraught and said fuck it you failed just go pee in the damn cup lol so after i pee in the cup i just sulk an contemplate life. i finally tell my mom i smoke weed and just gave up all together because i really need a job ASAP and i knew i just fucked my chances a lil to shorten this, lol i JUST got a call like 15 minutes ago from my employer and they told me i passed...the son of bitch actually worked. i even watched youtube videos that said they didn't work but apparently it does because i am employed lol i will say it is a giant risk but i fucking passed damnit.!!! wooooo

nadejavuuuu - Verified buyer

Okay so I've never written a review for any product but I'm taking the time to write one because this product REALLY WORKS!!!!!!!! I've been smoking since my sophomore year of high school, and I'm a senior in college now. For the past few months I would smoke everyday, which including multiple bowls and blunts each day. I got a call from a job that is really beneficial to my career goals. They said I could start the hiring process and would need to take a drug test at some point. At first I wasnt worried. I just stopped smoking. However, within the next week they called me saying I would have to take the drug test by the end of the following week. I freaked out!!! I had only been sober for one week and hadnt been detoxing or anything. I googled detoxes and quick remedies. I came across this site. I was SOOOO SKEPTICAL because I had heard that these things didnt work. However, after reading all the reviews, I became a little more convinced and I had ran out of options. I bought this specific one since I had less than a week to take the test. Days before the test I drank lots of water, ate very healthy and exercised. On the day of the test I took the detox product and followed the steps exactly. I had two self tests that came out positive after using the product so I was relieved. I went to the lab to take my test and have just found out that I passed!!! I promise this thing works! No one asked me to write this, but after it being successful, I had to write this review to help others out!!!

Happy Customer - Verified buyer

This product absolutely works! I smoked for about 8 months every single day, sometimes twice a day. I applied for a higher position within my current company that required a drug test. The product came on time and I followed the directions carefully. I did abstain from toxins 48 hours prior and did the process on an empty stomach. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a quick detox.

Happy - Verified buyer

I never ever give a review but I had to give one on this product. This works exactly as directed. I am a happy camper right now.

Sarah Parker - Verified buyer

This definitely works!! Took drug test today and passed! I will be starting a new job soon thanks to this product. I would absolutely recommend this to use to pass a urine test with negative results.

Serena Fletcher - Verified buyer

This product is amazing! I smoke every single day 3-7 times a day, I stopped smoking 72hrs before my test. I took the self test after drinking the bottle and taking the caplets and it came up just barely negative. So I decided to take the second round of chewables ( I HIGHLY recommend chewing them with food because they taste down right terrible) and drank A LOT of water. Thinking I was going to be given a urine test I went in pretty happy, but then I got told that it was going to be a saliva test. I went through with the test even though I was very worried at this point. I still passed and got a very good job out of it!!

John - Verified buyer

Hoo woo! I'm a 6' ft. 300 lb. 10+ year nightly smoker. I started my detox 4 days (96 hours) before my test, hit the gym and steam room 3 of the 4 days. I drank plenty of water over the 4 days and had a couple beers every night. On test day I followed the directions and passed my home test without needing the chewables. Took the real test and passed with flying colors. Thanks again!

Kh - Verified buyer

This product worked great for me! I am a heavy user. 5-10 × a day for many years. Stopped smoking 7 days b4 test. Was surprised to find out marijuana lasted so long in your system(30+) days! I self tested 2 days b4 my work test and failed! Next day aired this product and followed test instructions to a tee. Passed with flying colors!! Thank you so much!! Ken

Ann - Verified buyer

First of all I want to say THANK YOU for this product! Excellent customer service. I actually got the normal 5 day shipping for $18 and got it in 3 days! I actually stopped smoking the day I had my first interview since I was referred from another employee and didn't want to screw this opportunity up. I am habitual smoker. I smoke about 3-8 times a day, and even more on the weekend. I was 13 days clean with no smoking the day of my test. That morning I woke up & started the process around 8:30am. The first step is easy and the drink actually tastes great. I had the cran-raspberry. I passed the included test however, my nurse friend sent me 2 legit clinic tests that test for everything to try. That one my thc line was very faint. So I proceeded to the second step just for reassurance. Not going to lie, those chewables are ROUGH to get down. Luckily the 32oz of water helps. I waited an hour and peed 3 more times. The 3rd time I took the other test I had and was negative for everything so I proceeded to the test. The drive was 45 minutes away and when I arrived I had to go bad. My pee was a neon yellow and I was worried it was going to come back inconclusive. I submitted my test at noon so I was 3.5hrs into the process. Got the email & I am now working for a GREAT corporate company! I will use this product any & every time I need to pass a test!! Good luck to everyone else!!

Rav - Verified buyer

I have to say this product really does work! I just landed an amazing opportunity thanks to this product and the amazing people that work at this company.Don't have doubts just take the jump with the detox,you will not regret it! Also if you want to be permenantly clean then get the 7 day detox, that one works as well.Just try not to drink more water than the directions state on the day of this 5 hour process because it can dilute your urine.Great product and I sware by this site!

Anonymous - Verified buyer

While not a super heavy smoker, I smoked about half a bowl every night before bed for around a year and a half. I am 5' 11", around 170 pounds, and exercise around twice a week on average. I had been applying for jobs, and stopped smoking in anticipation of potential drug tests. The last day I smoked was 01/14, and I received word I had to take a drug test on 01/31, so I had 16 full days without smoking. I bought two of these, one to use as a test, and one for the day of the urine donation. I followed all the directions and passed the home test with flying colors. I then took the drink again on test day, as directed, along with the herbal chewables for an extra insurance policy. About two and a half hours after beginning the process, I made the urine donation. Then came the wait. The hospital had to send the sample off to the lab. In total, I had to wait seven business days before hearing back that I had passed. I start my new job in a week! Very much worth the money!

Nancy D - Verified buyer

Ok guys this stuff is the REAL DEAL! I am a heavy consistent marijuana smoker. I applied for a job that of course requires drug testing. 2 days before my interview I smoked a blunt THINKING that they weren't going to test me the day of my interview, well I was wrong. I went to my interview unprepared and they tried drug testing me that day, I tried playing it off saying I couldn't pee at that moment so they gave me 2 glasses of water, waited 20 mins then had me go to the restroom. I was a nervous wreck!! I couldn't pee because it would deffn be positive for Thc. I came out the bathroom and sincerely apologized and told the lady I could not pee at the moment. LUCKILY she let me go and told me to come back the next day. Boyyy when I left my interview the first thing I did was look up different alternatives on how to remove THC from my body QUICK. So I came upon this product, read all the great reviews and got convinced this would work. $60 for the detox and I needed it for the next day so I had to overnight it so paid an extra $36 dollars to have it overnighted so basically paid $96 dollars in total, I didn't really care because I really needed the job. I recieved it the next day by noon just as stated, I followed all directions to a T. After waiting the 90 mins youre suppose to wait for it to kick in, I took the test that comes with the drink and it came out POSITIVE. I was getting disappointed not only because I spent so much on it but because I wouldnt be getting the job I so much hoped on getting. I took the next step which are the 3 chewable tablets, waited another hour, took an extra test I purchaed at the dollar store, and again POSITIVE. At this point I was PISSED because the tests were suppose to come out negative as I followed the directions EXACTLY as stated.. I was hesitant on even going back to do the drug test because I was too embarrased to fail. My boyfriend convinced me to just go and get it over with, he said I had nothing to loose. So fustrated I went and took my test, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. The lady came out and told me I did great as I had PASSED!!! It came out negative! I was sooooo relieved and greatful that this drink REALLY did do as it said it would especially after testing positive at home. Thanks to this drink I got my job and I'm happier than ever. I totally recommend this drink to everyone and anyone because IT DOES WORK!!!

Penny - Verified buyer

I accepted a new job and found out after the fact that I needed to take a drug test. Having smoked literally the day before I was understandably freaking out. I researched for hours and finally settled on this product. I was 3 days clean before using this to take my test (I still continued to smoke cigarettes). Didn't eat the day of and followed the directions exactly. I took the included at home test after the drink and passed it, but I still took the chews (which are horribly disgusting) for peace of mind. I also bought 15 at home drug tests off of Amazon for $20 just so I could test again. I passed like 4 of those before going to the urgent care for my lab test. After 4 excruciatingly long days, I got word that I had passed the lab test. I'm so relieved and grateful for this product. Definitely works!

Stubborn - Verified buyer

This stuff is amazing! I am going to be honest, I have been an idiot. I am currently going through some of nastiest court BS I have ever been through and I just won't stop smoking. I have been a daily pot smoker for about 20 years now. Usually 1-4 times per day. I got in trouble with Johnny law and they tested me. Of course I failed. The told me to quit, so i did, but only for about a month. Such an idiot! Court was coming up, I knew they were going to test me so I started looking for ways to pass it. Found this product, read the reviews, and had it shipped next day (the day before court). Then, like an idiot, smoked a couple of puffs that same night. I didn't flush my system with water at all, but followed all instructions besides that part. I passed the test at court and didn't have to go to jail. Thank God! And thank you! As I said, I was an idiot and I am not recommending being an idiot! My point is that this stuff really works. It's THAT good! I would recommend it all day everyday. I would also recommend giving yourself some time to prep/flush, like the directions suggest. Anyway, this stuff is amazing! Thanks again!

Zman0925 - Verified buyer

All I can say is WOW - This product works. I had to take a urine drug test to get a job working for my dad's company and had been a habitual smoker. I had last smoked on 11/13 and found out the next day I would have to take a LabCorp test to get the job. Due to logistics, I was able to hold off on taking the test until 11/22. That still wasn't enough time to get clean, so naturally I started to panic. I had been a habitual smoker and am a big guy at 6'4 and over 300 pounds. Then I found this. I initially bought two - one to try at home to see how it worked and then one for test day. I tried it at home - followed all the instructions and passed the self test that comes with the product. I also took a first check test I picked up at CVS and passed. So I felt a little better. On test day I started the process around 10:00 and went in for my test at 11:15. Urine had actually been a little clear due to all the water, so I took some b12 to make the color a little more yellow and avoid dilution. I was told to expect the results the following day (11/23) and nothing came. Then Thursday was Thanksgiving and Friday came and went with no news. The holiday must've screwed up the lab so I didn't hear back until Thursday (12/1) when I was told the results were inconclusive and I would have to retest. I didn't know if the product had been working or if the sample was not handled properly. But I had no choice but to overnight the product again since I failed an at home test. I started the process again Friday morning (12/2) around 10:00 and went in to test at 11:30. I was prepared to fail after the results of the first test was inconclusive, but I heard back Tuesday afternoon (12/6) and found out I passed. This product really works and was a life saver. I'd recommend it to anyone in a similar situation. (I have no affiliation with this product or company and was not paid to write this review).

Lisa - Verified buyer

THANK YOU!! Because of you I am not in jail today! My pee was really bright yellow but it's okay! I passed & was sent on my way. I know I messed up but you guys helped a mistake not make my life today. Just be detox drink did it, I wasn't even able too finish the 20 oz of water after because I felll asleep since my test was so early.

MarleyBarbie - Verified buyer

Ok so I have to admit I was still hesitant on purchasing this product even after reading the reviews because it was just too good to be true, BUT ITS NOT. *I AM NOT BEING PAID TO WRITE THIS REVIEW IM JUST A GIRL WHO SMOKES A LOT OF POT & WANTS TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE* I had less than 72 hours to find a way to test negative on a drug test for nursing school. I couldn't ask anyone for their piss because everyone I know smokes. So this was really my only chance. I had to pay 30 something to have it shipped overnight which made the total price almost $100 but it's the best money I've spent in a while. I was clean for 48 hours, drank plenty of water and ate pretty healthy. My test was scheduled for 1:15PM. I started the process around 11. Followed the instructions super carefully & took the at home test about 15 minutes before leaving to the lab. It came out negative and I was STILL hesitant about it. I had some extra at home THC tests from the last time I needed to be clean and used not one or two but 3 of them to make sure I was ready and they all came out negative. I rushed to the lab, was in and out in less than 20 minutes and got my results the next day. It came out negative and now I'm all set to start nursing school! I can't thank this company enough for helping me! YOU GUYS ARE FXCKIN AWESOME!

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