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Fast Marijuana Detox Kit

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Fast Marijuana Detox Kit

Moneyback Guarantee
Price: $59.99 $79.99
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Effective and guaranteed way to pass a drug test in 60 minutes without risk!

Same-Day Cleanse Solution – perfect for those who need to pass a drug test on short notice.

Legal – using this kit is completely legal and not considered cheating on a drug test.

Not detectable – lab tests won’t be able to detect that you’ve used our solution.

No need to quit! Whether you don’t want to stop using marijuana or simply don’t have enough time to detox, this kit has got you covered!

Money-back guarantee – if you’re not satisfied, our product comes with a manufacturer’s money-back guarantee.

We are also providing our in-depth Healthy Detox Guide, a $60 value, at no additional cost to you.

Included in this extensive 21-page guide, you’ll find:

  • Detailed explanations regarding how your body metabolizes marijuana.
  • Effective, step-by-step detoxification strategies.
  • Recommended daily meal plans that aid in natural detoxification.
  • Exercise recommendations to help expedite the detox process.
  • A selection of foods known to enhance detoxification.
  • Information on natural supplements that can support your detox efforts.
  • Guidance on foods to avoid while detoxifying.

How Fast Marijuana Detox Kit Works

Our kit works its magic through several steps:

  1. Temporarily blocks the breakdown of body fat, preventing THC from being released from the blood into the urine.
  2. Slows the metabolism of THC in the liver, stopping it from entering the urine from the blood.
  3. Flushes THC and other drug metabolites from the bladder, ensuring the concentration of drug metabolites in your urine remains below detectable levels.
  4. Restores urine color, creatinine levels, and specific gravity, so your urine won’t be rejected as “diluted” during the validity test.

Product Description

“Extra Strong” kit is best for people using marijuana more than once per week or weighing 200lbs and more.

The “Regular” version of this kit is best for occasional users or people weighing less than 200lbs.

What’s Included In Your Kit:

  • 20oz bottle of QCarbo + 5 Super Boost Energy Detox Tablets in “Extra Stong” kit.
  • Bottle of QCarbo16 in “Regular” kit.
  • 2 Test Pass chewable detox tablets
  • Medical-grade test strip
  • Healthy detox guide(Digital PDF).
  • Detailed step-by-step instructions.
  • Money-back guarantee.


Juniper Berry Extract, Creatine Monohydrate, Gentian Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Wheat Grass, Vitamin B2, Barley Grass, Echinacea Purpurea Herb Extract, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Cayenne Pepper, Guarana Seed Extract, Dandelion Leaf, Turmeric Root, Ligustrum Berry, Barberry Root, Licorice Root, Cornsilk, Uva Ursi Leaf


This product kit is designed for use on the day you need to be toxin-free. Begin your detox process 2 hours prior to test time.

  1. Two hours before the test, drink 20 ounces of water.
  2. After waiting 20 minutes, consume the entire bottle of QCarbo.
  3. Refill the empty QCarbo Plus bottle with water, wait another 20 minutes, and drink it.
  4. Urinate twice and use the provided self-test kit. If the results meet your expectations, submit your test sample as soon as possible. If the results are unsatisfactory, move on to step 5.
  5. Take the Test Pass Chewable Detox Tablet with 32 ounces of water. Wait an additional hour, and make sure to urinate several times before heading to your test.

Essential Tips for Success

  • Refrain from eating large meals before using the product.
  • Urinate frequently, as this is a crucial part of the cleansing process.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking ample water in the days leading up to your emergency flush.
  • Avoid all unwanted toxins for at least 48 hours before the desired clean time (the longer, the better!).
  • Keep in mind that the results are temporary and last up to 5 hours, so plan accordingly.

Warning: Consult your physician before using this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Questions & Answers

Where Can I Buy The Fast Marijuana Detox Kit?

You can buy this kit in our store only. Other stores are just affiliates and we cannot guarantee that they are legit

How Do You Know If The Detox Worked?

Every kit comes with a test strip to help you keep track of your progress.

Can A Lab Detect It?

The products in this kit are made from the finest natural ingredients and cannot be detected.

Will It Permanently Clean My System?

Despite some product claims, there’s no way to permanently clean THC metabolites from your system in 2-5 days.

Results are temporary, lasting up to 5 hours. Manage your time accordingly. If you need to permanently clean your system, use the Premium 7-day detox kit.

How Long Would It Take To Work?

Starts working in 60 Minutes and is effective for up to 5 hours.

Is It Safe?

This kit is completely safe for your health, but don’t use this product if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have kidney or gallbladder disorder or disease. Or if you are allergic to one of the ingredients.

Is Fast Marijuana Detox Kit Legal?


How Long Would It Take To Arrive At My House?

We have the option for overnight shipping with Saturday delivery. Check our shipping terms.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Possible side effects: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea or cramping.

ggyaya - Verified buyer

Hey yall! This is a very real review swear to you! like many of you guys, I was extremely skeptical at first but it def works. For reference, I'm a female, 130lbs, 5'3 and I smoke on the weekends (non chronic). Keep these stats in mind because they are important. It was 4/20 and I was with my friends so I said f it and got high as shit that night. After that I completely cut out smoking for a solid 3 weeks. I drank water a reasonable amount but nothing crazy. Before the detox, I took home drug test and passed w negative results after 3 weeks but the line was extremely faint and everyone around me told me not to risk it and still take the detox kit. The day of the drug test which I scheduled for 2:30, I began taking the detox kit around 11-noon. I ate a light breakfast like a bagel and got started w the directions on the kit. I also bought the extra strength version because I was so paranoid but turns out with my size, lack of frequency normally and the time I was clean (21 days), I really didn't need it. I took 2 more home kits and passed with flying colors and both lines were extremely solid and easy to read making it clear it was negative.

jason27 - Verified buyer

Didn’t end up passing an at home drug test. I smoked everyday a couple times a day, mainly wax. It made my stomach slightly upset and I urinated every like 15 minutes. Hopefully this helps my body rid of THC!!! I have a slow metabolism so I believe that’s why it didn’t work.

daniel - Verified buyer

I used to smoke every day, stopped for a month and keep testing positive, I followed the instructions and passed the test for my new job with no problems.

Gabriel - Verified buyer

Quit smoking for a week. I was still positive so I ate a light breakfast starting drinking it at 12:30 was testing negative an hour later. Worked for me.

Shirley - Verified buyer

Abolutely worked. Probation called with a surprise ua... Test was at 430 pm.... I drank this product at 130 and followed the directions to the t... Last added thc to system 40 hrs before the test and in the form of thc oil or 'wax'.....did not take the pre cleanse pills but did take niacin, cranberry pills and vitamin b12 the morning of test.... 2 of each 2 timea from 10am-130pm...

Emma - Verified buyer

This works. Use as directed. Removes cannabinoids from urine temporarily. Don’t know if it removes anything else.

Amber - Verified buyer

Holy exorcist throw up !! I’m 5’0 120lbs I had a probation report this morning and followed the directions perfectly...set my timers took my test and passed !!! I was a little worried that I had thrown it all up and it was gonna work but it worked extremely well! Gonna stay clean from now on but if I don’t I know what to buy !!!

Thomas - Verified buyer

Y’all! This works! I drank this, followed the directions and passed a thc urine test. I’m a female, 129lbs 5’7, not a chronic smoker. I stopped smoking 2 weeks previous to drinking this and tested about 2 hours after drinking. This work if you follow the directions! Also, drink a lot of cranberry juice for some color because your pee will be like water... Goodluck! Ps: Horrible taste tho

Jacob Garcia - Verified buyer

Works good

rachel - Verified buyer

This was my first time using this product. Last smoked on 5/29, took a test for a new job on 6/4. I followed the instructions exactly. Full disclosure: I'm on a ketogenic diet and I drink at least 90oz of water a day. I also drank 60 oz of green tea the two days before the test. Good luck to all who need it!

peter63 - Verified buyer

I don't know if it was just the sheer amount of fluids I drank or if this product had something to do with it, but either way I was motivated to follow the instructions to the T on this drink and I passed my pee test. Your mileage may vary but it worked for me.

Ilaix - Verified buyer

This kit saved my ass. Literally! Im about 140 pounds, 5'6 height. First off im a *VERY VERY HEAVY SMOKER* i smoke throughout the day and night and I took a fatass dab probably like 12-15 hrs before my drug test. Drank 20 oz water before i drank the bottle with the 5 pills. Didnt think twice and just took the additional 2 pills the kit came with after and drank another 20 oz water. The test strip it came with showed the line to be kind of faint but i didnt have much time and had to leave to take the test... I was really really sketched out because it ended up being a lab test so i was shitting myself for a whole week. Piss looked green like mountain dew it was nuts! Got the results back and I passed! I had got in an accident at work and had to take a piss test then and there and pissed dirty and got sent home. After a drug program i had to take this was the last drug test i needed to take before i went back to work or test positive and lose my job... this kit saved my ass literally im still shaking because this is a damn good job that I couldnt see myself replacing easily anytime soon. Thank you again holy shit i still cant believe i passed!

Rachel - Verified buyer

I'm 6'5" 320lbs, stopped smoking weed exactly 2 weeks before test, drank this 2-3 hrs before and drank a lot of water... it worked like a charm and I passed and got the job

Mini Rock - Verified buyer

The detox kit worked for me. I went to quest(new job) and took the 9 panel test and passed. I smoke everyday at night, I am 6'2 235. Stopped smoking 5 days before and was drinking a lot of water thru out the days leading to my test. I bought the extra strength detox kit and took one of the extra strength tablets (comes with 2 as a extra prevention). I was always skeptical about detox kits but it worked for me and I am grateful. Hope this helps someone since I was looking for comments from people for reassurance. 100% recommend!

Ethan - Verified buyer

Absolutely amazing!!! My husband passed his drug test without any problems. you do have to drink a good amount of water though. If you don’t then you won’t pass

Katie Worthy - Verified buyer

I was real skeptical about this stuff. Super worried. Before the test come A-day before I just drink a lot of water and light foods. Stuck to eating greens and what not. On the day, the night before I did nothing but drink water and pee. And the moment I got up I would occasionally drink a glass of water and pee. When it got time for me to do the routine that they instructed, I did everything as I did everything as stated and peed off peed all the way up until I got to where I needed to take my test. I even paid twice in the restaurant across from my probation officer. This stuff WORKS! I'm 126lbs and 5ft2 but STILL got the extra strength kit. I suggest anyone who is Skeptical to do the same. I don't know how the other one works and I'm not not going to try. Extra strength is where it's at. Remember to keep drinking water!

alice - Verified buyer

I'm rating this five stars because my boyfriend passed his work drug test with this product! He's 240 LBs and a HEAVY smoker. He stopped for a couple days before taking this and followed the directions and PASSED! Worth the buy!

Jake IsReal - Verified buyer

Honestly, I’m impressed. I have been doing research for literally like a week straight, hours at a time. Been down this road before but I only stopped for two weeks and had a pre-employment drug test. Basically a really good opportunity to make over double what I’ve been making so I couldn’t f*#k this up. I am a male 150 pounds and I got the super strong one. I just ate the tablets before I even tested myself. I tested negative on my third piss at home after I had been failing over and over for the couple of weeks I stopped smoking so I knew I’d be good to go to the lab since I was negative, it had only been like 90 minutes, so after the lab test, i came home and tested negative again so I knew I was good. Then I smoked a blunt lmao. Few days later I started the new big money job. Follow me @IamJakeIsReal to listen to my music. Green fleets is legit.

Mark - Verified buyer

I thought for sure I was going to fail my pre-employment DT. I abstained for 3 weeks, 175lbs, 5'11" male 45 years old. Still failed the home DT so I started the detox the morning of as directed. After a couple of hours, I took the supplied DT and passed, faint line. Still drank as I had an hour left until my test. Took another DT I purchased to verify, and failed! I had to leave for the DT, so I chewed the tablets, and assumed I would fail. I didn't see how, because I didn't have time to pee 1 more time after the tablets. Anyway, got the pass to start the new job but waited nervously the first couple weeks (HR said there were delays in the results because of COVID) but never heard anything. I passed! I'm pretty sure I metabolize THC pretty slowly, but this stuff masked perfectly. I COULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS MORE!!! Thank you Greenfleets for helping so many innocent, intelligent, hard working people out. Ya'll are angels ;)

Anon - Verified buyer

Smoked not less than 24 hours ago and have been smoking solidly for a while now. Followed the instructions and the test strip came out instantly negative. Applause.

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